I Told You So

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  • Released:2006
  • Genres: Country
Lyrics "I Told You So"

You said you needed your space
I wasn't where you wanted to be
I didn't stand in your way
I only want you to be happy
And, so, how surprised am I to see you here tonight?


Oh, can't you see
That for worse or for better we're better together?
Please just come back home
No, don't say that you're sorry
And I won't say I told you so


Sometimes in our life
We get to where we wonder if
The long road that we're on
Is headin' in the same direction
Well, when it comes to you and me
We're right where I know we should be


Oh, can't you see
That for worse or for better we're better together?
Please just come back home
No, don't say that you're sorry
And I won't say I told you so

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